Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We have to live....HERE?

  I ended my last post of us moving up north. Now, I said before, I thought Mt. Pleasant was quite the big city.....well compared to where we moved, it definitely was. When I was 9, and in the middle of 5th grade, my mother moved us {her & I} to West Branch. An hour and a half away from the place I use to know, from my family, from my father, and the only friends I ever knew.
  My first day of school was a very memorable one. This girl named Ashley, which I don't remember her last name, and even if I didn't I wouldn't put it here as I have to admit, my first thought was that she was an ugly boy, until she introduced herself. She guided me from the office to our classroom. As I walked in I saw my new teacher, Mr. Bunch, dressed in a full knights outfit holding a mace. YES, a real mace....which I am sure was probably not suppose to be at the school, but who knows. Either way, my first impression was that everyone in this small town was a loony bin, thankfully.....only a few were actually crazy. There were some things, that maybe someday I can talk about, but for now lets just say, my moms first boyfriend while we lived there was horrible. Eventually he lost his marbles and was threatening my mom and they were in the yard screaming. I was outside witnessing the whole thing. He lifted up a crowbar & was waving it in my moms face while screaming at her and I still never understood why I did it, but I moved myself in between my mother & this bat shit crazy man. He didn't back down until my mom freaked the heck out. That day we left and went back to Mt. Pleasant. Thankfully it was over the weekend and so I only missed that next Monday for school. During our time in Mt. Pleasant we stayed at my grandmas house. This crazy, weird, unusual thing happened and the brother of my mother's now ex boyfriend came to my grandmothers house and confessed his love for my mother. I will tell you more about this d-bag later, but for now, just know that he had seemed at the time like my mothers knight in shining armor....when in reality he is even worse than a retard in tin-foil.
  West Branch bound we were again. I made a few friends in 5th grade, but none that really stuck.....it wasn't until 8th grade that the bonds I made would stay.
  The whole only seeing my dad every other weekend sucked, but I appreciated the time we spent together & he spoiled me beyond belief until later on when the economy took a turn for the worst & he was laid off. When I say he spoiled me, I mean he SPOILED me...but thankfully not so much that I turned into a rotten little monster. He took me across the Mackinaw bridge many times growing up. I remember castle rock, the mystery spot and stopping at the coolest little shop ever.... called Sea Shell City...yes it was literally called Sea Shell City. My dad also took me to Michigan Adventures, where I thought I was going to die on one of the roller coasters as the safety belt was 95% frayed across & wouldn't tighten enough so I felt the whole time like I was going to fly out & die. He also took me to Cedar Point, and the best vacation of all Niagara Falls. We drove through Canada to Niagara Falls and then down through New York to get home. It was the most beautiful place I have ever been, and someday I will take my family there and we can all enjoy the beauty and wonder of the falls! Right before he was laid off,  the Christmas of my Freshman year in High School, my dad gave me $600 to spend on whatever I wanted, and it would have been awesome if my mothers thing {her husband} wasn't so addicted to being high. {pot} I am fairly certain he stole about $300 of my Christmas money....in small increments, but I know he stole it. As I said before, he is a soooo awful he is worthy of his own post.
  West Branch, was small. I lived in the middle of the woods in a crappy as heck house, was miserable most of the time I lived there, yet I wouldn't have changed much of anything, for it shaped the future I now have, and I would hate to not have this life.

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